Więcej o serialu SMZ-140...
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We offer a wide range of digital stereo microscopes suitable for any application and working area. Whether you are a student, teacher, lab technician, researcher, or you simply love microscopy here you are sure to find something suitable for your application.
Discover the endless possibilities and benefits of using a digital stereo microscope, and get immediately started with our complete digital package that includes our image analysis software Motic Images Plus 2.0.
Main features
- Built-in digital camera with CMOS and CCD imaging sensors
- USB 2.0 output
- Multi-output models
- Resolution up to 3.0 MP
- Motic Images Plus 2.0 included or free download
- Greenough zoom optical system
- Binocular head, 45° inclined with buit-in digital camera CMOS 1/2" chip
- 3MP-2048x1536 pixels with USB 2.0 output
- Widefield eyepiece WF10x/20mm
- 4:1 Zoom ratio, WD=80mm
- Magnification range: 1x-4x
- FBGG: Pole type stand with large working base